Sunday, January 27, 2008

Week two - a brief review (rhyme in time?) - Poetry in Motion

Wow! What a week. What a week. (a third time - for those who missed the alliteration?) Wow! What a week!

I am currently sitting in my room sore all over - almost unable to write this post. Sore because I played 7 consecutive game 11, counting 1s, 4 on 4 then 5 on 5 basketball games almost spraining my left ankle in addition to exerting non-existent muscles that atrophied due to lack of play and/or gym (in this case 'and' only). I use the verb 'exert' as in 'exert oneself' except I think that is colloquial use and thus means 'use of energy' only in the latter context. Also my sentence could mean that my non-existent muscles actually atrophied in which case it would be rather paradoxical (or not depending on how crazy you are) because the non-existent muscles are by definition a non-existing phenomenon and thus could not atrophy. Brian Greene would say otherwise because string theory would prove the existence of non-existence - ence. I simplify. All-in-all, I can hardly use any muscle. I actually was planning to sleep, or more appropriately trying to sleep when I remembered, or rather realized, no actually remembered my realization that I hadn't had a decent chat with my most beloved blogees (those who read blogs). I'm just a bag full of alliteration today, aren't I? (amn't I/ am I not?) The Bs and the Rs - especially the Rs - and those sexy tongues that rrrrrrrroll them.

aaRRRgh! You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters! Had to do that - Captain Barbossa, Commodore (almost) - Pirates of the Caribbean, for those who miss the reference. Speaking of which. This week - more or less or more than less - culminated with this swinging (sliding and see-sawing - playtime for adults) Caribbean themed part-ay at this swinging (sliding and see-sawing - playground for adults) joint in Brooklyn. Ambar, I think it was called - unless that was the original destination and we got sidetracked and ended up elsewhere, as is often in these cases of alcohol. Anyway, I don't remember much about this 'Caribbean' thing because I had an early morning today (very early like 3am or 4am - but I think 3am) and I needed to go sleep (not all memory loses are alcohol induced - sometimes some events just didn't happen) I needed to wake up refreshed and caffeinated because today was an important day for me. Very important but equally long arsed! (never really seen a long arse but, wait. Scratch that - memory's the damnedest thing!) Unfortunately just before my departure for home I met this lady whose name now eludes me but starts with an N. Nikki, Nadine, Nailah, Nicoletta, Nadia N-something. She was smoking. as in sssssssssmokin'! the mask style. She was so sexy, I would have fucked her slowly. And with that statement I divide my very loyal and devoted (hopeful?) lady blogees and devotees (hoppers?) into two.

The first, finding the statement appropriately witty. According to a song by a close friend of mine, Corinne Bailey-Rae (or was the song a cover of something someone else sang - I forget), a wicked sense of humor suggests exciting sex but I don't brag about these things! Incidentally this very close friend of mine wrote a song called Breathless which is about how it feels when you fall in love with a very close friend. Thinly-veiled, I told her, after which we promptly (censored for young blogees and also as a preemptive strike against possible litigation from her label or death and torture - preferably, but never, in that order - from her bodyguard). So she's clearly right about the correlation between wicked senses of humor and wicked senses of...well, wicked senses. Both, evidently point to adventure and there's nothing more adventurous than sex, is there? Maybe life but that's debatable. Corinne though phenomenal in (censored), is a more phenomenal musician. This is not to downplay her sense of (censored) adventure which is no where as low as the genius average (makes as much sense as upper middle-class) but rather to express the magnitude of her rather ingeniousness in musicology. Y'all should check out her music (no she's not paying me to do this but in return for this favor I hope her label doesn't sue me and her bodyguard doesn't kill and torture me for anything written here because I truly think her music will save the world even though she has no such aspirations.)

The second group of loyal, devoted devotees and blogees and groupies (they hang around me that hangs around other things). These are disappointed by my statement - said statement being 'She was so sexy, I would have fucked her slowly.' Here, they thought I was this romantic understanding non-thinking-about-sex-all-the-time kinda guy because my witty banter and wicked sense of humor no doubt pointed to my interest in the intrigues of the mind and the soul as opposed to the body - an intellectual, a feeler (not feeler feeler groper but feeler feeler cry-er) which, of-course, I am but I don't especially 'brag' about these things. To these, I can only say please do not cast away your quick judgments of me for quick judgments of me. Like everybody (except the "beautiful"), I don't like to be quickly judged but I especially don't like to be quickly judged twice. I plead my case before your honors. You see, I only briefly met her and though, or perhaps because, her eyes looked very wise, I only remember what I saw - her physical features; body and face, which, like I said, were ssssssssmokin' (I think there's one less 's' here than before - actually I know, I counted them both, found this had 11 and the other had 9, then promptly deleted 3 from this and promptly wrote this parenthetical - clever, huh?). I counted twice because I was afraid I miscounted and would thus come off as stupid but I was right the first time...or maybe not. OK. I was right. I will add that I was not particularly thinking about fucking when I wrote what I wrote, I was merely remembering what it was that gave me a rather fitful 3 hour sleep (or lack of it) and made me reluctant to eat all day (and people say there's no such thing as love at first sight) and thus added to my body's complete total breakdown (though not as complete and total as to prevent me from writing this post). Which also proves that I was not thinking about sex (or am/ is even now). Among my shoulder, back, arm, thigh and calf non-muscles that can't move, I add another which generally has a mind of its own. Perhaps I should also explain what I mean by fucking her slowly. Or perhaps not. Suffice it to say, doing it (her) slowly would be an attempt to savor as much of her stunning beauty for as long as I can. But enough of this talk.

Besides a rather climactic and anti-climactic conclusion to this week, there was the Martin Luther King Jr. day (quite the mouthful) celebrations which started off the week with a bang almost as big as the Big Bang seeing that it created a few new creatures that cared about and expressed their pride for their heritage like no one really can. This bang, perhaps had more energy than the Big Bang because these creatures subsequently or rather immediately, on the day after, evolved into superior beings who now frown upon their heritage like no one really can. I make no judgments about this Lemony-Snicketty Unfortunate Series of Events (otherwise known as LUSE) because, as with other similar things, Brian Greene knows more about the Big Bang than I do.

As for me, the obligatory Monday holiday was insufficient - which explains the lack of blog posts. I celebrate the birth of Black Jesus like I celebrate the birth of White Jesus - One week long of festivities and gift-receiving culminating in a new year. This should not be surprising because I also give the Devil his dues. I celebrate Columbus Day fervently, and this celebration, because the Devil naturally works as much as Black Jesus and White Jesus combined, extends for two weeks, culminating in Halloween, during which I give candy only to the deserving; the little devils and sometimes those that make a decent effort; the little bastards. These celebrations differ from country to country of-course. In Haiti, for example I honored Hernan Cortez instead of Christopher Columbus while in the UK I celebrated Father Christmas instead of White Jesus - but it's all good, because these are merely incarnations of the same Being, I think - as every other human being generally is. Buddha is my homeboy!

In Africa, I indulge in indolence (the alliteration for the conclusion). This is because I dedicate 26 weeks to Jesuses and 26 weeks to Devils. In alternation of course. Balance must be maintained at all costs. The Yin and the Yang -the Chaotic Taotic.

Sigh. I live many many lives.

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